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Developed countries in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+2Posted:2017-08-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: underdeveloped countriesleast developed countrydeveloping countriesdeveloping countrydevelopedundevelopedoverdevelopedunderdeveloped
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31. Most of the Western world's best sites have now been developed but potential still exists in less developed countries.
32. Not surprisingly, these developments have been most widely exploited among the developed countries where the barriers to integration have been least.
33. This change is also occurring in many other developed countries.
34. The numbers and proportions of those economically active in a sample of developed countries are shown in Table 1.5.
35. Like the Indus River dolphin,[] boto are also sought after by wealthy institutions in developed countries.
36. It directs developed countries to provide an unspecified amount of financial and technical assistance to help developing countries comply.
37. Threshing machines spread where grain was harvested in developed countries.
38. If heterosexuals in developed countries provide such a niche, they will be in serious danger.
39. Life expectancy at birth in the most developed countries at over 80 years is double that of the most disadvantaged countries.
40. Older women in the developed countries suffered unnecessarily from diseases that could have been ameliorated, cured[], or even prevented.
41. Yet the latest wheeze among policymakers in developed countries is to alleviate poverty in developing countries with computers and mobile phones.
42. A summary of different approaches to jurisprudence and judicial decision making among developed countries.
43. Millions of jobs are likely to be lost in the developed countries while Third World nations slump deeper into poverty.
44. In the developed countries the effects have been stagnant wages and high real interest rates.
45. Key among them is the problem facing most developed countries of how to fund reasonably comfortable retirements for an increasingly long-lived population.
46. This is the integration of photovoltaics into existing generation and transmission systems in developed countries.
47. Many of the less developed countries have found it difficult to meet the service charges on their loans to the World Bank.
48. In developed countries, an increase in income no longer leads to greater demand for food.
49. Developed countries speak of rapid reaction forces as the future of their military strategies.
50. Life expectation at birth is about 45 years in developing countries and more than 70 years in developed countries.
51. In many developed countries, politicians have at last realised the promise offered by the magnificent achievements of computer hardware engineers.
52. Its leadership would be concentrated in more and more reduced elites from developed countries and in consistent minorities from the underdeveloped.
53. Developing countries often try to emulate experiences of developed countries, but this is not always a good idea.
54. How can we best help less developed countries? That's the really important question.
55. Developed countries should not treat developing countries high-handedly .
56. Based upon the reform experience of western developed countries, this thesis assays and presents the concrete operation about the separation of budget compilation and enforcement.
57. To increase our understanding of the health implications of ageing, particularly in less developed countries, WHO is undertaking the Study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE).
58. Developed countries should take the lead in helping developing countries –they cannot be compared like for like.
59. He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under - developed countries.
60. China will continue to assist the less developed countries in ASEAN with no conditions attached.
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